San Jose Employment Tax Lawyer

Skilled Attorney for Payroll Tax and Withholding in San Francisco and Throughout Santa Clara County
Issues involving payroll taxes can be highly problematic for a small business, exposing the owner to significant tax liabilities. If the owner has been found to have willingly violated the tax laws, it can lead to tax liabilities, overwhelming penalties and the possibility of a civil lawsuit as well.
At John D. Teter Law Offices, we have advised and represented many business owners over the past 30 years in matters involving payroll taxes, employee classifications, and other employment tax issues. We have the experience and knowledge to quickly grasp potential problems and to recommend actions that can enable the business owner to avoid or minimize any adverse consequences. Contact our firm for a consultation with an experienced tax attorney.
Sound Advice for Business Owners in the Bay Area
Business owners can expose themselves to significant problems when it comes to classifying workers as exempt or nonexempt. That contractor who works five days a week at your business? The IRS and the California Employment Development Department (EDD) could view that person as a full-time employee, subject to withholding. He or she could also be eligible for certain benefits, and you may have a significant workers compensation insurance liability.
Plaintiff employment law attorneys in California aggressively seek results for their clients in wage and hour claim cases. By misclassifying a worker as exempt, you may be inadvertently exposing yourself to the possibility of a wage and hour lawsuit.
Much of our firm's work involves advising business owners regarding small business tax issues and recommending policies and procedures that can avoid or minimize problems. Attorney John D. Teter can advise you in matters involving worker classification and the withholding of taxes, with the goal of avoiding potential problems and complying with federal and state law.
Assertive and Effective Tax Representation
What should you do if you are audited by the IRS or a California tax authority? The answer is clear — you need an experienced tax audit lawyer on your side. Attempting to represent yourself or your business is not wise. You could unwittingly make statements that incriminate you or make it much more difficult to address a notice of proposed assessment or notice of deficiency. And there is more reason to hire a lawyer — the IRS and California tax authorities share information. You could face more trouble down the road if your problem is not handled effectively.
John D. Teter will provide you with assertive representation whether in an audit or subsequent appeal or other tax controversy forum, seeking to minimize any additional tax liabilities or criminal penalties you may face.
Contact a San Jose Employment Tax Attorney
For more information and a consultation about an employment tax matter, contact our firm. Call 408-866-1810. From our offices in San Jose, we serve clients in San Francisco, Fremont, Silicon Valley, and throughout the Bay Area.