Estate Planning: Why You Should Consider a Video Will
When you think about writing up your will, you might think about printing out an official-looking document. In fact, you might have even seen online templates that allowed you to type up and print out your will yourself. Although you will still want to have a printed document with your final wishes printed on it, however, you may want to consider making a video will as well. As the name suggests, this simply refers to making a video of yourself reading your will and talking about your wishes. These are a couple of reasons why this can be a good idea.
Help Prevent Tampering
One thing that you have to worry about is someone tampering with your will before or after you pass away to try to make changes to it. Even though you might not want to think about someone in your family doing something like this, you should know that disputes among family members can become brutal when it comes to things like wills. With a video will, this is not something that you have to worry about.
Prove That You Were in Your Right Mind
In some cases, it can seem unclear whether or not a person was in his or her right mind when making a will. It can also be unclear as to whether or not a person was coerced into writing a will in a certain way. With a video, however, you can help prove that you were of a sound mind when your will was created. This can help erase doubt later.
As you can see, a video will can be a smart decision. If you'd like to find out more about creating your will or handling the other aspects of estate planning, contact us at John D. Teter Law Offices to find out how we can help.