How Can I Resolve My Tax Debt in Order to Obtain a Passport?
Failing to pay your tax obligations can lead to major consequences. One problem you might run into is that you may not be able to obtain a U.S. passport or renew an existing passport. Carrying tax debt could also keep you from using your already issued passport. This can be detrimental for those who need to travel internationally for work or family reasons.
The IRS has prioritized the enforcement of this consequence of not paying back taxes for the past year. The law targets those with “seriously delinquent tax debts,” which is defined as a debt of $52,000 or more, including taxes, penalties, and interest.
If the IRS identifies you as being seriously delinquent, it will inform the State Department, which by law will deny a passport application or renewal. If you have in your possession a valid passport, the State Department also has the power to revoke the passport or limit your ability to leave the United States.
Ways to Resolve Tax Debt Issues
There are multiple options that you can avail yourself of to avoid having the IRS report your seriously delinquent tax debt to the State Department. These options include:
- Complete payoff of the tax debt
- Compliance with an approved installment agreement
- Fulfillment of an offer in compromise established between you and the IRS
- Paying the tax debt as detailed in a settlement agreement with the Department of Justice
- Seeking an innocent spouse election or innocent spouse relief, which suspends collection
- Seeking a collection due process appeal with a levy
In addition, the IRS has stated that it will not certify that someone has seriously delinquent debt or will recall such certification under certain extenuating circumstances. These circumstances include:
- Someone in bankruptcy proceedings
- Someone who has died
- A person who the IRS has determined is the victim of identity theft connected to tax filing
- A person who the IRS has determined qualifies for penalty abatement due to hardship
- Anyone residing in a federally designated disaster area
Seek the Advice of a San Jose Tax Debt Lawyer
If a substantial tax debt is getting in the way of your life, you have options for how to resolve your tax debt issues. In many cases, hiring a skilled San Jose, CA tax debt attorney can bring about a solution in the quickest and most thorough manner.
If you owe money to the IRS, your life will be substantially affected in a number of ways. This is a problem that should be rectified as soon as possible. To speak with the tax attorney at the John D. Teter Law Offices, call our office today at 408-866-1810.