John D. Teter Law Offices



1361 South Winchester Boulevard, Suite 113
San Jose, CA 95128

Recent Blog Posts

What is an Abusive Tax Scheme?

 Posted on May 18, 2018 in IRS Scams

tax scams, San Jose tax attorney, tax evasion, false billing, fraudulent return preparationEvery person must pay taxes. No matter one’s job, income level, or the amount of assets owned, most people are unhappy with the amount that the government takes. But while there are many ways to legally minimize the amount of taxes a person is obligated to pay, some people take additional, illegal steps to evade paying taxes. 

Tax fraud is a crime that can result in serious consequences; however, many people also fall prey to tax scams that promise to substantially reduce or completely eliminate the taxes a person must pay. In order to avoid criminal prosecution for tax evasion, it is important to recognize and avoid these abusive tax schemes. 

Types of Abusive Tax Schemes

The IRS defines an abusive tax scheme as a violation of the Internal Revenue Code that uses multiple flow-through entities to evade taxes. Common types of abusive tax schemes include the following:

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How California’s Supreme Court Ruling Will Affect the Gig Economy

 Posted on May 09, 2018 in Taxation Law

employee classification, independent contractors, San Jose business tax lawyer, gig economy, payroll taxesIn today’s economy, millions of people across the United States act as freelance workers, either as a primary job or as a way to supplement income. The digital tools available to companies and workers in the gig economy allow many people to earn an income by transporting passengers, renting property to travelers, or performing a variety of other tasks. 

While many people and companies have benefited from the sharing economy, the increased prevalence of this type of labor has raised a variety of legal issues as employees seek to receive fair compensation and government entities ensure that taxes are applied correctly.

A recent ruling by the California Supreme Court will have a significant impact on gig economy workers and employers, affecting issues such as employee classification and taxes.

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How Long Can the IRS Pursue the Estate of Someone Who is Deceased?

 Posted on April 27, 2018 in Taxation Law

San Jose tax lawyer,  individual income tax, filing tax returns, estate taxes, deceased person taxesIt is often said that death and taxes are the only two things that people are certain to experience. However, one’s tax obligations do not end with one’s death. When someone dies, income taxes may still be owed on his or her estate. Moreover, estate taxes or inheritance taxes may also apply. In order to ensure that taxes are filed correctly, it is important to have a strong knowledge of tax law.

Filing Taxes for a Deceased Person

After a person dies, the administrator of his or her estate must file a tax return and report all income he or she earned prior to the date of his or her death. Typically, the administrator will file Form 1040, and he or she may also be required to file tax returns for any previous years in which the deceased person failed to file a return. If necessary, the estate administrator can obtain documents related to the deceased person’s income and taxes by filing IRS Form 4506-T (Request for Transcript of Tax Return).

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Why Should I Have a Tax Attorney Help With My Tax Return?

 Posted on April 19, 2018 in Taxation Law

San Jose taxation law attorney, filing tax returns, tax return help, reporting foreign assets, business taxesAs tax season draws to an end, many taxpayers have scrambled to compile financial information and file their tax returns prior to this year’s extended deadline of April 18. During this time, many people worked with accountants or tax preparers to ensure they were able to obtain the largest possible tax refund. In many cases, however, the assistance of an experienced tax attorney can be essential when preparing your tax return, addressing complex legal issues, and avoiding potential tax penalties.

Benefits Provided By a Skilled Tax Lawyer

While a certified public accountant (CPA) will have knowledge of financial matters related to taxes, such as allowable deductions and tax credits, an experienced taxation law attorney will have a deep understanding of the legal issues related to tax audits and IRS collection. A tax attorney can help with the following:

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Understanding Taxes on Virtual Currency

 Posted on April 11, 2018 in Taxation Law

San Jose, CA tax lawyer, virtual currency taxes, cryptocurrencies, taxable property, cryptocurrency transactionsIn recent months, the news has been filled with discussion of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ripple, or Ethereum. As these virtual currencies increase in value, many people are looking to invest in them. However, even though digital currencies can be exchanged for goods or services, or paid to employees as income, they are not the same as legal tender. This has resulted in a great deal of confusion as to how virtual currencies are treated under the United States tax laws.

Cryptocurrencies, Property, and Capital Gains

“Convertible” virtual currencies that have an equivalent value in real currency and can be exchanged into U.S. dollars are taxable as property, similar to other capital assets such as stocks or bonds. In general, capital gains taxes apply when these currencies are bought or sold, including when they are converted into cash, when one type of currency is traded for another virtual currency, or when digital currency is exchanged for other property. Any gains or losses are based on the fair market value of the currency at the time it was acquired and at the time of its sale or trade. 

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What is an Eggshell Audit?

 Posted on March 23, 2018 in Tax Audits

eggshell audits, San Jose civil tax audit lawyer, tax fraud, tax audit, tax liabilitiesA tax audit can be a frightening situation. The United States tax code is complex, and many taxpayers are unfamiliar with its intricacies and the potential consequences that they may face if they have committed a violation. In some cases, taxpayers may face what is known as an “eggshell audit,” which is a civil audit that may potentially result in criminal charges. While this is an informal term, it refers to the care that must be taken in these situations as taxpayers seek to minimize their tax liabilities and civil penalties while avoiding criminal prosecution.

Potential Consequences of an Eggshell Audit

Eggshell audits occur because a taxpayer filed a fraudulent tax return. The taxpayer may have underreported the income he or she earned or claimed improper deductions or credits. The end result is that the taxpayer paid less taxes than he or she would have owed if he or she had filed an accurate tax return. Moreover, a return is considered fraudulent if a taxpayer deliberately intended to evade paying the full amount of his or her taxes or if he or she willfully submitted false statements or documents.

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IRS to End the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program

 Posted on March 16, 2018 in Taxation Law

undisclosed foreign assets, offshore tax compliance, San Jose tax lawyer, offshore voluntary disclosure program, IRSRecently, we examined the options taxpayers have to achieve compliance when they have undisclosed foreign assets. One key method of compliance that the IRS has provided in recent years is the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP). The program allows taxpayers to report their offshore assets and become compliant while minimizing their civil penalties and avoiding criminal prosecution. However, the IRS recently announced that it will be ending the OVDP on September 28, 2018.

Changing Options for Offshore Tax Compliance

The OVDP was launched in 2009, and the current version of the program has been in effect since 2014. The IRS has reported that since the OVDP was implemented, more than 56,000 taxpayers have used the program to achieve compliance—$11.1 billion in taxes, penalties, and interest have been paid. However, the number of people participating in the program has declined from a high of 18,000 people in 2011 to 600 in 2017.

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How Tax Reform Affects Business Automobile Purchases and Leases

 Posted on March 07, 2018 in Taxation Law

San Jose tax attorney, tax reform, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, business auto deductions, tax codeThe Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 made seismic changes to tax law in the United States, and individual taxpayers, small businesses, and large corporations are working to determine how they will be affected by the updates that will be going into effect in the near future.

One aspect of the new law that many may not be aware of concerns vehicles purchased or leased by businesses. It is essential that business owners be aware of how these changes can impact the deductions they may claim.

Business Auto Deductions

When a company purchases an automobile for business use, the company will typically be able to claim tax deductions based on the depreciation of the vehicle over five years. However, these deductions and other issues involving business vehicles have been affected by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in several ways, including:

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Offshore Tax Evasion Solutions, Part 2: Streamlined Compliance

 Posted on February 20, 2018 in Taxation Law

San Jose tax lawyer, streamlined compliance, offshore tax evasion, taxpayers, offshore assetsIn a recent blog, we discussed how U.S. taxpayers can become compliant with the IRS’s requirements for reporting foreign financial assets through the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP). While the OVDP provides people with the ability to address outstanding offshore tax issues, it applies to people who have willfully failed to disclose foreign assets, and meeting its requirements can result in significant expenses but also can avoid significant penalties. For people whose failure to disclose offshore assets was non-willful, another option is available: streamlined compliance.

Eligibility for Streamlined Compliance

Streamlined compliance is available for individual U.S. taxpayers, and it consists of two programs: the Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures (for U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents who lived outside of the United States for at least 330 days in one of the three previous years) and the Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures (for U.S. taxpayers who do not meet the non-residency requirement).

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Offshore Tax Evasion Solutions, Part 1: OVDP

 Posted on February 13, 2018 in Taxation Law

San Jose offshore tax compliance lawyer, OVDP, offshore tax evasion, offshore assets, OVDP processUnder the Internal Revenue Code, taxpayers are required to include all income on their tax return, including interest accrued on funds held offshore.

Under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), taxpayers in the United States are required to report financial assets that are held in foreign countries to the IRS. Failure to report their income or these assets can result in both civil and criminal penalties for offshore tax evasion.

To help people and organizations who own offshore funds or assets become compliant, the IRS provides two resolutions: the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) and streamlined compliance. In this blog, we examine the requirements and procedures of the OVDP.

OVDP Requirements

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